In English

What is TOKASA?

The TOKASA project is implemented by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and Tampere University of Applied Sciences. The project aims to develop a model for a Nursing degree programme, in which language teaching is integrated to the Nursing curriculum. The idea is that the studies will provide the student the language skills required of a nurse working in Finland. The teaching languages are Finnish/Swedish and English.

The project is funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment as a part of the Talent Boost programme. The action period is from January 2021 to December 2024.

Please find information on the Nursing degree programmes in Metropolia and TAMK at their websites and in Studyinfo.

More information

Päivi Rimpioja
Project Manager (Metropolia)

Sanna Laiho
Project Manager (TAMK)